Once Upon A Crescent: Muslim Kids Podcast

Once Upon a Crescent is a collection of Islamic bedtime stories for children. Written and produced by a Muslim elementary school teacher, these stories aim to impart Islamic morals to kids through light-hearted storytelling. Not only are stories a great way to settle into a bedtime routine, but they also provide rich opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parent and child. Snuggle up with your little one and feel free to use this podcast as a starting point to talk about Islamic values. My goal is to facilitate some important moral conversations by introducing Islamic values with storytelling. For more information go to MrsHashimi.com

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Bake Sale for Palestine
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
While visiting their grandparents in Botswana, Humaira and Zaynab attend a bake sale for Palestine in the Masjid courtyard. Humaira takes note of what a bake sale is. She thinks of ideas to help improve it and presents her idea to her family.
This story was sponsored by my dear friend Nabeela for her kids Humaira & Zaynab. I hope you enjoyed this story <3
Hadith Source:Narrated by al-Bukhari (6011) and Muslim (2586).
Shout Out To Br. Ali Memon, Br. Anzar Lateef & Dr. Omar Raja for their volunteered voicing of characters in this story. JazakAllah Khair :D
Sound Effects Obtained from zapslpat.com and freesound.org

Friday Nov 10, 2023
Abdullah & Nusayba Go To A Protest
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Abdullah takes his new light saber to a protest. Abdullah sits on top of his father's shoulders to watch, listen and learn. His new toy comes in handy as a flagpole when marching with hundreds of people who chant, "Free, Free, Palestine!"
This episode is sponsored by Sr. Raima for her kids Abdullah & Nusayba. I hope you enjoyed this story.
**Dear Parents, I pray this episode serves as a conversation starter about the importance of advocating for justice and truth. As always, my stories aim to impart Islamic morals and values to kids. I hope you can use this story as a means to connect with your child, while also having meaningful dialogue about Falasteen, in ways that you deem appropriate <3Sound effects obtained from zapsplat.com & freesound.org

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Sofia’s Slime
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
When Sofia accidentally ruins her sister's princess dress, things spiral out of control. Sofia, Aylah and Ibrahim find themselves arguing and shouting at one another. Mama shares an important hadith about how to deal with strong feelings when seeing all her kids angry at one another.
This episode was sponsored by Sr. Adeeba for her kids, Sofia, Aylah & Ibrahim!
Register here for the Virtual Read Aloud with Mrs. Hashimi
*All Proceeds Will Go To BaaitulMaal for Palestine https://baitulmaal.org/ *
Sound Effects Obtained From Zapsplat.com & freesound.org

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Airport Excitement
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Yahya and his three sisters, Hidaayah, Hafsa & Hawa are traveling for the first time to Madinah as part of their family's Umrah trip. Their family is very excited to embark on this journey to the City of the Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ. Even with the excitement around boarding a plane, the kids remember their traveling duas !
This story is sponsored by Sr. Hodan for her 4 kids Yahya, Hidaayah, Hafsa & Hawa.
Sound Effects Obtained from zapsplat.com, freesound.org, & The Internet Archive

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Sakina & Saphora’s Library Day
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
At the grand opening of their new library, Sakina & Saphora encounter a kid who is neurodivergent. The girls reflect on how it may be like for this child at a busy, noisy library. The girls decide to approach the librarian with a helpful suggestion in hopes of including others who have unique needs!
The ayah of the Quran referenced in this episode is in Surah Ar-Rum, ayah 22 - "Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable."
This episode was sponsored by Br. Muizz & Sr. Ruby for their daughters Sakina & Saphora :).
**Sound Effects Obtained from zapsplat.com & freesound.org***

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Aqeelah & Ameer’s Restaurant
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Aqeelah and her brother Ameer have a big imagination. During their "Restaurant, Restaurant," pretend play, the kids learn about a beautiful ayah from the Quran. Mama shares the ayah where Allah mentions a snippet of Jannah, "We shall provide them in abundance with all kinds of fruit and meat, whatever they may desire," [52:22]. This experience allows Aqeelah to wonder more about Jannah.
This episode is sponsored by Sr. Irma from China! This story is dedicated to her three kids Aqeelah, Ameer & Asad :).
*** To Unlock More Content Visit www.patreon.com/mrshashimi to enjoy some E-books, coloring pages and more***
Sound Effects Obtained from freesound.org and zapsplat.com

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
The Thunderstorm
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Omari and Wakeel rush indoors as a thunderstorm hits their neighborhood. Jolting sounds and scary sights fill their afternoon, as the boys experience their first thunderstorm. Their family stays safe indoors. Baba uses this opportunity to share a new perspective on how the lightening and rumblings of thunder are a means to remember and glorify Allah.
This story was sponsored by Sr. Lauren for her kids Omari, Wakeel and Amalia. I hope you enjoyed this episode :).
*****To unlock more content by Mrs. Hashimi such as E-books or coloring pages, visit the Patreon Page https://www.patreon.com/mrshashimi *****
Sound Effects Obtained from zapsplat.com & freesound.org

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Back to School Blues
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Zayneb and Amelia's family get ready for the start of a new school year by going shopping at a nearby superstore for school supplies. The girls talk about their worries of starting a new school where they don't know anyone. Mama & Baba offer a helpful duaa for their unique situation.
This story was sponsored by Br. Ali & Sr. Sama for their kids Zayneb, Amelia and Ibrahim. I hope you enjoyed your episode!
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